Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting anything. We have been very busy lately getting settled in our new house. First of all, the earthquake that occurred on August 10th, did not affect Guam. Even if it did, we wouldn't have to worry because Guam has some of the strictest building codes in the world. In fact, there are several earthquakes every day; they just aren't strong enough to be noticed.
Now for an update. Micah is currently in FIT which is his "indoc" class. He goes to that class instead of doing actual work on the ship. In FIT, Micah has learned general facts about the island (what fish to be afraid of, the culture, etc.) and also the "need-to-know" facts about the USS Frank Cable.
As for me I have been exploring the island, the base, and hanging out with Buster.
Everything is going great. We are having a blast. We now have internet, cable, and a house phone. Our house is now starting to look like a home.
We met a few other young couples, one of them live across the street from us. We have been hanging out with them a lot, going to the beach, and even having barbeques. When we were at the beach the other day, Micah was snorkeling and found an awesome shell. When he brought it back to where I was sitting, we realized that there was a snail/slug living inside of it!!! We kept the shell and one of our friends told us that we had to boil the shell/snail in water for about 20 minutes to clean it out. When we boiled the shell, the entire house reeked of dead fish. It was pretty gross. We plan to continue to find neat things at the beach and display them around the house.
Now that we have internet in our house, I will be able to post more often!
Donna and Micah
The awesome shell that Micah found.

This is how clear the water is here!

We have found that taking lawn chairs is a lot more enjoyable than laying on a towel!

This is Gab Gab Beach. It is currently our favorite beach and it's only 5 minutes away! There are a lot of Japanese defensive caves from WWII scattered around base and on the beaches.

Buster wearing Micah's shirt

Buster follows us EVERYWHERE! We bought him a bed, but he rarely sleeps in it because he's usually in our bed!

Our first "real" mean in our house. Cheesy enchilada Hamburger Helper and garlic mashed potatoes.

Our bed. (Micah wanted a picture of it)